Monday 26 October 2015


It's true! The above title is happening!

In two days time I'm setting off from London for Bangkok, via Dubai. I can't quite believe this is actually happening!

I remember months ago, in the midst of my finals at Uni, walking through rainy Bristol and dreaming of travelling to a far-off land with turquoise seas and white sandy beaches. And now I'm actually going to go there. (Google Image search Ko Samui. Don't be too jel.)

I'm heading off for just under two months (quote Mum: "you're going on an extended holiday") - God forbid I'm not home for Christmas! Am I slightly sad to be missing most of the Christmas period AKA the best time of the year ever ever ever? Yes.

However this is a trip I may never have the opportunity to take again, Christmas ain't going anywhere, and I'm just going to have a few days of MEGA INTENSE CHRISTMAS JOY (caps = strictly necessary to demonstrate the intensity of said joy) when I'm back. Get ready for it. Aaaaaand hopefully I'll have a tan in all this year's Christmas photos. [insert sassy girl emoji here]

I'M SO DAMN EXCITED! I've never been eastwards really, and I cannot WAIT to explore another part of the world. Who knows, maybe I will just "find myself" (whatever that even means). I'm pretty sure I'm going to find a selection of great food and pretty views if nothing else though so I'm fairly confident this is going to be a winner.

Oh snap! I haven't told you where I'm going! Well I shan't bore you all with a day-by-day itinerary (that was a gem saved for my immediate family) but basically I'm starting in Bangkok, heading down to some Thai islands (see: the aforementioned Ko Samui), down into Malaysia and through the Cameron Highlands, to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, over to Medan and doooooown down down to Jakarta, through Indonesia before finally ending up in Bali. You share my excitement right? If anyone has any tips for any of these places, PLEASE hit me up!

This is a trip unlike anything I've ever done.

For starters, I'm taking a backpack. Yes, me. Backpacking. I know. And nooooo don't be silly, of course it's not my backpack (y'all know I'm not the kinda girl who's likely to own a backpack) - I'm borrowing one from the very lovely and more adventurous Amber (you remember Amber from France right?)

Yeah, so backpacks? Not so big.

Packing light? Not my forte.

Like, this is really hard. How do I know what I'm going to want or need till I get there? How can I be prepared for everything if I'm trying to keep my bag under 10kg?

I'M NOT EVEN TAKING NAIL VARNISH! You can get a mani-pedi in Southeast Asia, right? Wow I sound like such a diva.

But like, I'm totally forgoing material things. The only jewellery I'm taking is one pair of earrings. Alright, two, for my second piercings. Okay FINE, six. But if that's not packing light I don't know what is.

There's been a lot to do to get ready for my departure: I've had to get some VERY expensive jabs (srsly, they cost like £500), buy also expensive travel insurance, establish that I shouldn't need Visas, sort a currency card (I'm planning on using Revolut) and spend ALL the money in Boots in order to hopefully avoid getting ill (how did I spend £56 in Boots?!)

But I think hope I've done everything I need to and can now just go forth and have a wonderful time.

Naturally, I'm a little apprehensive. But if you're not nervous before doing something like this I think that's a little odd. (Quote Mum again: "Do you know what a tsunami looks like? If that happens, RUN! Away from the sea."

I can't wait to meet new people - both travellers and locals - and learn about different cultures.

I'll be documenting my travels as much as I can but please forgive me if posts are a little sporadic. Instagram will obvs be updated as much as poss though. And snapchat. #sorrynotsorry to my friends in offices.

Wish me luck!


  1. Oh my God, amazing!! Congratulations (? is that the right thing to say? It seems like it somehow!) Made me laugh "if I don't find myself then at least I'll find some good food and pretty views" haha so true! Have an amazing time, looking forward to seeing all the pics! xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua Italy

    1. Ha ha thanks Lucy! I'll take the congratulations :) x


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