Saturday 10 October 2015

Burgers chez Rachel, Brussels

I know what you're probably thinking: "oh, this must be a blog post in which Rachel makes burgers in Brussels." And that's understandable. But, mes amis, you are wrong.

Rachel is in fact not just my name but also the name of a charming burger and bagel place in the centre of Brussels.
Did I mention I'm back in Brussels? I'm not sure I actually have done (although Instagram/Twitter followers are likely to have grasped as much.) I've been back here for a couple of weeks now and am here for a couple more which is lovely indeed - the six months I spent in chocolate-land for my year abroad was over spring and summer, so I'm really enjoying seeing the city in my favourite season of them all, autumn.

I discovered Rachel (the restaurant, not myself. I'm still yet to find myself) right near the end of my year abroad and annoyingly somehow never managed a visit. If the fact that it's a burger and bagel place wasn't enough, HELLO! We share a name! I know y'all share my excitement.

So when I learned that I'd be coming back to Bruxelles for a month I put a trip to Rachel on the top of my to-do to-eat list.

Luckily I had a willing accomplice in the form of my dear friend and uni-pal Jenny, and on a fresh, autumnal Saturday we made our way through the tourist hordes and past chocolate shop after chocolate shop to Rachel for a catch-up and a munch.
I love that the idea behind Rachel is "slow fast food" - they want you to take your time eating, enjoying every mouthful.

The restaurant isn't huge, but there's a nice relaxed atmosphere and a great menu.
Deciding what to have wasn't easy. Although all the bagels sounded delish (and having seen some being served I knew they were huge!), it may come as no surprise to you to learn that I went for a burger.

Keeping things relatively simple, and despite having been highly tempted by the great-sounding veggie burgers, I went for the Chuck:
Top-quality beef cooked to perfection, cheddar cheese, sautéed onions, gherkin, tomato, lettuce, mustard. ketchup and mayo, plus added baked pepper, courgette and aubergine.

It was SUUUUUPER good! The meat melted in the mouth, all the juices merged, the bun was soft and just lightly toasted, they didn't scrimp on the topping... I devoured that baby. There was perhaps a touch too much mustard for my taste which slightly overwhelmed the other flavours occasionally, but just a tad.

Jen had the L'Ambburger:
Lamb, feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, oven-baked pepper, aubergine, courgette and onions, cucumber and alioli. I am assured it was also dreamy.

Despite this being Brussels, the burgers were served not with frites but rather oven-baked rosemary potato wedges which I have to admit were absolutely divine. Who doesn't love a wedgie? (Was it just my family who called potato wedges "wedgies"? Yes? OK, moving on...)

We also had some slaw on the side which was light and fresh and just what we wanted alongside our burgers of epic proportions.
I think that's the appropriate reaction. And yes, there is a gorilla behind me.

The staff were friendly and the service was great. If you ever find yourself in Brussels I heartily recommend a trip to Rachel. This Rachel sure loved it, and I think it's only right that I go back and try the bagels too, don't you?

Find Rachel at Rue du Marché au Charbon 100, Brussels, and on Facebook here.


  1. Looks good! Very happy to spot a veggie burger on the menu too ;) I know, I'm such a party pooper ha xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua Italy

    1. Not at all! I love a good veggie burger :) X

  2. Yum! I'm so bummed I didn't know about this place when I was in Brussels last year, would've loved to dine at a place with the same name as me :)

  3. Ooh both burgers look absolutely delicious. I'm so glad you got to eat at Rachel's. Loved reading your blog. Sammie www.feastingisfuncom


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