Saturday 26 July 2014

RECIPE: Lentil ratatouille

Post family holiday, I was craving a health-kick. Gorging on baguettes, croissants and ice cream is a lot of fun, but it doesn’t half leave you feeling stodgier than a huge portion of cheesy chips topped with dumplings and served with bread on the side.

(Mmm carbs.)

However, I find that all it takes is a few days of healthier, carb-light eating to leave me feeling significantly slimmer, more energised and lighter in general. That’s what happened this week, and this ratatouille has played a key role. In fact, it’s been dinner five nights in a row!

I’ve put a twist on the classic French side dish by adding lentils. They’re SO good for you and mix into the ratatouille perfectly in my opinion, creating a substantial meal in itself.

A bowlful of this makes for a tasty, hearty, wholesome dinner as it is, but would also be lovely served with some grilled chicken or perhaps alongside a crusty wholemeal bread roll.

It’s packed full of Mediterranean veggie goodness and nutrition-high lentils. A lot of people turn their nose up at lentils or don’t know how to cook them (I’m still learning on that last one), but they just blend in sneakily to the ratatouille-y goodness here.

Lentils are:

  • Full of fibre
  • Good for your heart
  • Rich in protein
  • Low-cal
  • Digestion aids
  • Energising – they keep you full!

This recipe serves 3-4 depending on how hungry you are or what it’s accompanying – I actually got five dinners out of this quantity by mixing the last quarter with plain brown rice and turning it into two meals. I even found it got better as the days went on, weirdly enough.

It’s just a big bowl of goodness that will leave you feeling wonderful! Not to mention pipsqueak to make.

Snazzy sauce from the madre yay!

1 onion, diced
1 garlic clove, diced
1 large red pepper, chopped into chunks
1 large courgette, chopped into chunks
1 large aubergine, chopped into chunks
1 tomato, diced into teeny bits
1 jar tomato and vegetable sauce (I used this one)
1 tin lentils, drained
A sprinkle of dried oregano, salt and pepper

I hate tomato so chop it into teeeeny bits


1. Chop all the veggies and heat 1tbsp olive oil in a large pan over a medium heat.

Fry the onion and garlic until softened and turning brown.

2. Add the chopped pepper, followed by the courgette and aubergine. Stir fry until the veg is softening and browning.

3. Add the tomato, tomato sauce and lentils and give it all a good stir. Mix in a pinch of dried oregano and seasoning.

I had to use two pans as I didn't have one big enough. Pre-mixing the lentils.
Cover the pan and leave to simmer for at least ten minutes, but it really depends on your tastes and whether you prefer a chunkier, more al dente ratatouille or a slightly more mushed version.

STOP! Simmer time.
4. Serve up and enjoy!

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  1. such a good recipe idea, so easy to make and super healthy! My mum makes a great dinner of salmon served on a bed of spinach and lentils! x

    1. Ooh wonderful. I find mums always know what to do with lentils :) thanks Rosie! X


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