Tuesday 8 September 2015

I'm speaking at Social Media Week!

Exciting-slash-terrifying news time!

I have been invited to be a speaker at an event in Social Media Week called "Be a better blogger", and anyone's welcome to come along!

Sure, it's exciting and terrifying in equal measures, but luckily I won't be leading the event, I'll just be there to share some of my experiences and what I've learned over the past five and a bit years of blogging. 

The fab Managing Director of Tamar (who are hosting the event), Henry Elliss, will be leading the evening and sharing lots of valuable tips on how to use SEO (search engine optimisation) to develop your blog, and I know it's going to be super interesting. 
Alongside me the lovely Adam Gilks from Unite will be there representing agencies and brands who work with bloggers, and we'll be discussing the wonderful #uStudents24 campaign I recently took part in with Unite. And then I'll also be chatting general blog nonsense really valuable stuff, including everything from sponsored posts to daily blogger life. 

I'm certainly no blogging expert so am really looking forward to what will definitely be a fascinating and fun evening. 

I'd totally love it if any readers came along! Whether you have a blog, are thinking about starting one, or are merely interested, come and say hi (and help calm some of my nerves!)

And guess what: the event is totally free! Hoorah!
So, the deets:

It takes place from 6-8pm on Tuesday 15th September in Shoreditch (edgy), and you can find out more and sign up here

Hope to see some of you there!

PS. Apols the rate of bloggage has slightly decreased of late - I've been working loads and have found myself a tad all over the shop but there's lots of good stuff coming soon, promise!


  1. Congrats! I'm gutted as I'm already signed up to an event, would love a post perhaps on your tips though! x

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thanks Chloe! I'll try and do a follow-up post :) x


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