Tuesday 22 September 2015

Interrailing the South of France: Aix-en-Provence

Oh, I really liked Aix-en-Provence.

It is just the most charming, delightful, beautiful French city! Whilst not as big as Bordeaux or Toulouse, it's got just as much going for it, if not more.
I mean sure, it helped that I had my own personal travel guide with me in the shape of Amber, who lived there on her year abroad, but I think it would be hard not to love Aix.

For starters, it rains approx. three times a year there. No joke. So it was weird that we arrived just after a downpour. It did mean the cobbled streets had a lovely shine to them though.
After a bit of a palava with our AirBnB flat - it wasn't the best first experience but I won't be put off - we proceeded to have a wonderful few days.

Amber took me to all the best places and we even met up with our lovely friend Eponine.
Unsurprisingly, upon finding a froyo/smoothie/acai bowl place, I dragged the girls there.
Yummmmm! And free wifi. So I was happy. (It's called California Bliss, should you ever find yourself in the vicinity.)

The tragic news of the day was that what is apparently the absolute best place to get crêpes in Aix was closed for the holidays. Noooooooooo! However it just means I'll have to go back. If you go, hit up Crêpes A Go Go.

Amber assured me the crêpes are epic and pleasingly priced.

Speaking of delicious and affordable food, Amber took me to Pizza Capri, who serve amaaaazing takeaway pizza. The slices are MASSIVE, freshly-baked, cheap and super tasty. There are also a huge range of toppings which is always nice. We had two each but I apologise, I have zero photos as I was too busy eating. You know how it is.
Drinks-wise, Amber took me to what I believe had been a bit of an establishment during the year abroad, and what is clearly a popular place: Au P'tit Quart d'Heure. Bargainous rosé in a buzzy location. Obviously we went multiple times.
We also had a really tasty dinner at La Grange. Yeeaaah, more pizza. Because, pizza. Yes, OK, and  rosé too. (This wasn't the same day as Pizza Capri, promise! But it may have been the same day as Au P'tit Quart d'Heure. I know you don't judge.)

I feel like we must've burned off all the food with our walk up the hill out of the city to Cézanne's atelier (he was born in Aix, don'tcha know?) and then further on to the lovely viewpoint where he used to paint. That was pretty cool - you can see all the way to the mountains!
Had I been in Aix on my year abroad rather than Bayreuth, I hundy P would've been poorer. I love Bayreuth, but all it has going for it shops-wise is H&M. Not so with Aix, my friends. So. Many. Good. Shops.
Equally, lovely markets. And who doesn't love a peruse of a French market? The food and flower ones are my fave.

Oh, and if you go to Aix make sure you try some Calissons - they're yummy little marzipanny things and are a regional speciality.
I absolutely loved Aix at night. The buildings looked stunning and there was such a buzzy atmosphere.
It was wonderful for wandering, people-watching, and of course, crêpe-eating. (Well just because we couldn't have the best crêpes in Aix didn't mean we had to miss out on them altogether, amaright?!)
What a dream.

If you haven't been to Aix-en-Provence before I recommend it big time.

PS. Totally irrelevant but it's my birthday tomorrow, WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


  1. Glad you liked the city so much ! Definitely come back next time for Crêpes à gogo ;)


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