Tuesday 8 March 2016

T2's delectable teas and delightful teaware

Have you ever been into a T2 shop? I'm incapable of walking past a branch of the tea shop without going in. And that's not just because they always have lots of yummy teas to sample, honest! (Although I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a sizeable draw.)

Their shops are a tea lover's paradise. And hiya! *waves* This gal is one big tea lover.
I was recently fortunate enough to be sent a beautiful package of T2 Tea goodies including some of their specially designed teas for Mother's Day. I'm marginally ashamed to say none of it made it to my mother. Sorry, Mama. But tbh even she'd admit that these teas would be wasted on her - all the lady wants is a gold blend teabag and she's a happy chappy.

Her first daughter, however, has a far more refined palate. (I mean me, in case you didn't get that.) And of course with my self-diagnosed tea expertise - or should that be experteas? *cracks self up* - I figured it was only right to keep my tea goodies to myself.

Plus, LOOK!
It's pink! It's sparkly! And it holds tea! How could I possibly not keep this flask for myself?
This is now my at-work tea vessel and I don't think I could love it more. It's also very handy for taking on-the-go. Oh, and if you're not quite as girly a girl as moi, other colours are available.

So, along with my GORGEOUS flask I was lucky enough to receive not one but two T2 teas and, fortunately, a little tea infuser as the teas in question were legit loose leaf affairs. Yup, the snazzy stuff.
The infuser is actually great as it fits just as well into a mug as a tea pot, and you just adjust the amount of tea accordingly.

Tea number 1 was Hippy Sippy Citrus - a fruity blend of citrus with strawberry. Now, despite the very appealing box, this isn't a tea I'd have chosen myself as I'm not a big citrus fan. However, I actually like it more than I'd been expecting. With the strawberry as well as hibiscus and rosehip, the tea has a natural sweetness which I enjoyed a lot.

Hippy Sippy Citrus is part of T2's Mother's Day collection, along with the equally beautifully designed Peace, Love & Peppermint and Smokey Signals. I have to admit that on paper both of those are absolutely my cup of tea (ha! I'm on fire today! Lol JK it's nearly 1am and I am in a strange state) so I am definitely going to have to get my hands on them.

Then there's the less-in-your-face but just as interesting Auckland Breakfast tea. And to be perfectly honest, I prefer this one to the Hippy Sippy Citrus. Described as "a fragrant full bodied black tea that lingers with the refreshing, sweet notes of kiwi fruit," I was a little unsure as to what to expect. Kiwi? With black tea?

It totally works. Being black tea and all, I initially added a splash of milk to my Auckland Breakfast tea, but it turns out that the kiwi adds enough fragrance to make it delicious just as it is, and not bitter. I've been enjoying this one both with and without milk.

Oh, and it goes down very nicely alongside a hot cross bun. Just sayin'.

So here's to tea! Does it take a little more effort to use loose leaf teas and an infuser than a teabag? Yes. Is the resulting taste far superior? You betcha.

Although that's not to say I won't always murder a milky builder's brew, gold blend, natch. Like mother like daughter, eh?

As these teas are obviously more expensive than your standard supermarket pack of teabags, I do think they make a lovely present. To yourself or anyone else.

My tea and teaware were gifts but my opinions are totally honest, as per. Have you every tried any tea flavours like this? Do you like T2? Let me know!


  1. These look gorgeous! And THAT MUG! Oh my heart. I'm a Lapsang girl at heart but also partial to a traditional Chai. Mmm.

    1. RIGHT!? Oh yeah, love a good chai. Thanks Hannah :) x


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