Sunday 28 June 2015

Parisian adventures, day 2: a picnic by the Eiffel Tower

This, my friends, was one pretty dreamy day. Some may call it heaven. The word "bliss" was bandied around.

Haz and I spent the morning shopping (I got a graduation dress wahoo!) - when in Paris, it would be rude not to - before making our way to that most iconic symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower.

We arrived round the side, which I'd never done before, and I thought it looked super lovely amongst the green green greenery and a pond.

With the main lawns closed off, one side being watered (I had to somewhat embarrassingly try to outrun a moving sprinkler) and ALL the tourists, it wasn't the easiest of tasks to find a picnic spot, but we eventually found the perfect patch of grass and laid down our picnic blanket.


Aaaaand the behind the scenes shot:

Boy, do I love picnics. There's something about being outside in the fresh air, the simplicity of sitting on the grass and sharing nibbly food that I love.

And sure, it helps when you've got a pretty sweet view to admire.

Oh, and it also helps when you have Prosecco.

Prosecco makes everything better, doesn't it? So bubbly, sparkly and sweet. My new fave type of Prosecco is called Asti. Have you tried it? It's the sweetest I've ever had and suuuuuper delish.

We munched on fresh baguette, houmous, crudités, Doritos and fruit until we could munch no more. All that was left to do then was to lie back and soak up the sun.

It was hot hot hot in Paris that day!

I made sure to really appreciate the moment: the sunshine, one of my best friends, the Eiffel Tower, Prosecco. I felt so lucky to be there with no responsibilities, especially after finals.

The only thing that made it less than perf was the frequent pestering by men trying to sell us miniature Eiffel Tower souvenirs and selfie sticks. We don't want one now, and we didn't want one five minutes ago either!

Oh, and if someone comes up to you with a form and a pen and asks if you speak English, just shake your head and walk away. (I pretended to be German myself). They're scammers trying to con innocent tourists.

After a leisurely lunch and doze in the sun, we eventually felt strong enough to get up...

...aaaand do an Eiffel Tower photoshoot! What else?

I encouraged Haz to do her scorpion pose again...

...whilst deciding it was probably best I didn't attempt it. Jumping, however, I can do.

Shame about the bus in the background but you can't have it all, can ya?

I may have seen the Eiffel Tower many a time, but it never fails to make an impression. It's just so unique, and iconic, and well, when you think about it, kinda weird. But I like it a lot anyway. Did you know it was never meant to be permanent? This is a new piece of knowledge for me, so just thought I'd pass it on.

Le sigh, another day living the Parisian dream.

Miss my first day in Paris? Have a gander here.


  1. Ahhh, this looks like such a dreamy day! You've got me lusting after Paris in such a big way.

    I love your playsuit too, where is it from?

    Jennie // Scarletscorchdroppers


    1. Thanks, Jennie. The playsuit is from Pull & Bear and is a relatively recent purchase too! x

  2. I second Jennie, this play suit is lovely :)

  3. Yes, Asti is so delicious! I'd happily have any kind of prosecco any day ha. This reminds me a bit of a day in the park in Milan last summer, it was one of the girls' leaving parties so we hit the prosecco and lazed about in the sun, so nice! xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua Italy

    1. I'm with you, Lucy. Prosecco is the best. Wowww that sounds dreamy! x


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